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File Created: 05-Apr-1988 by Larry Jones (LDJ)
Last Edit:  24-May-2013 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name UPPER FRANKLIN, WEBB Mining Division Alberni
BCGS Map 092F017
Status Showing NTS Map 092F02E
Latitude 049º 06' 59'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 41' 05'' Northing 5441761
Easting 377065
Commodities Copper Deposit Types I06 : Cu+/-Ag quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The Upper Franklin showings are located in the area of the Upper Franklin River, 15 kilometres southeast of Port Alberni.

The area is underlain by andesite, pillowed and massive basaltic flows and breccias of the Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation, Vancouver Group.

Locally, chalcopyrite and malachite occur in quartz stringers and epidotized shears within andesite of the Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation (Vancouver Group).

One zone, up to 0.6 metres wide, assayed 1.74 per cent copper from a grab sample. Another zone, 1.5 to 1.8 metres wide, assayed 2.75 per cent copper from a grab sample (Laanela, 1966). These showings are about 600 metres apart. In 2006, L. Stephenson prospected the showing as apart of the HV 1-10 claims.

EMPR ASS RPT 12538, *12696, 13668, 14203, 14880, 14928, 15288, 28428
EMPR FIELDWORK 1988, pp. 61-74
EMPR OF 1987-2; 1988-24; *1989-6
EMPR PF (*Laanela, H., (1966): Report, Gunnex Ltd., Mineral
Occurrence #52)
GSC MAP 17-1968; 49-1963
GSC OF 463; 1272
GSC P 68-50; 79-30
CIM BULL Vol. 83 No. 935, March 1990 pp. 125-135